The Use of Oilseed Wastes in The Food Industry
Oilseed, Waste, Residue, Nutrition, by-productAbstract
The food industry produces millions of tons of food waste worldwide, which can be used as a source of valuable ingredients with high added value. The use of food waste as a source of low-cost valuable compounds is important for environmental protection as well as for sustainable green technology. Especially during the processing of oilseeds, plenty of by-products emerge. It has been determined that oilseed by-products contain considerable amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, bioactive components, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Antioxidants such as polyphenols can be extracted from oilseed meals as functional food products. Since protein isolates obtained from oilseed meals have rich amino acid content and functional properties, they can be included in the human diet by adding them to various foods. This review includes information about the nutritional values of oilseed residues and the importance of their use in the food industry.
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