Evaluation of raisin juice quality characteristics- A review
Raisin juices, Total phenolic, Polyphenol Oxidase, Quality, Sensory Evaluation and Water ActivityAbstract
The most significant fruit crop globally in terms of economic importance is grapes (Vitis species). These fruits are used to make wine as well as table grapes, raisins, and juices. Producing an enormous number of raisins is a common practice worldwide, with Mediterranean countries being particularly fond of these fruits. Raisins are made by mechanically drying grapes in an oven or by letting them dry naturally in the sun. Consumed as fresh fruit, raisins are valued for their tart flavor. Due to enzymatic activities (polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase), natural microbial and mold contamination of raisin juice, and flavor alterations during storage, it has a short shelf life of (7) days in the normal refrigerator. It's not always advisable to store raisin juices in the refrigerator to preserve the desired quality of certain fruits. The aim of this study is to show that no more research has been carried out on raisin juices. In demand for awareness among people about raisin juices, this study is an effort to measure some quality parameters such as chemical composition, phenolic compounds, polyphenol oxidase enzyme activity, and sensory evaluation. Additionally, because grapes contain antioxidant polyphenols, consuming them has several positive effects on human nutrition and health.
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